
As women age, they begin to lose the elasticity in their skin leading to sagging breasts. This may occur after pregnancy, massive weight loss and breastfeeding, altering the shape and firmness of the breast. The plastic surgeon will improve the appearance of the breasts raising their position  and shaping it to a more youthful contour. At times, this procedure is accompanied with Breast Augmentation to help fill the loss of volume in the upper part of the breast.  With aging and childbirth, the breasts undergo dramatic changes in anatomy and function, as well as change the shape and contour of the breasts.


breast lift will improve a woman’s breast contour and appearance. Dr. Recinos will remove lax skin and tighten it to lift the breasts to a more youthful shape and position.

Breast lift surgery will typically require one to three hours in the operating room and is performed in an ambulatory surgery center under general anesthesia as an outpatient.  Incisions are hidden within normal anatomic folds and structures following the natural contour of the breast. Scarring will fade over a period of months.


Following a breast lift, patients will be placed in a surgical bra. Pain is relieved by pain medication. Those patients with children needing close attention, are encouraged to acquire additional or surrogate help for their child care during the early post operative period.

Surgical Time: 1 to 2 hours.

Anesthesia: Local + Sedation.

Hospitalization: Ambulatory.

Recovery: Working in 5 days. Physical exercise after 1 month.

Duration of Results: Permanent.


Book an Appointment at Tel. (502) 2268-1818