Practice under local anesthesia and sedation for the confort and relaxation of the patient. It isindicated for patients with cheeks fat pad excess where circular features are present and a more angulated profile is desired. It does not present visible scars since they are placed in the internal part of the mouth. The patient will follow a five days liquid diet and will have to remain away from the sun for fifteen days.

Normally on the following day of the surgery a little of edema can be present, nevertheless this can resolve in a few days. The final result can be appreciated two months after the intervention, however since the first week the changes are visualized. Due to the potential of inflammation of this procedure it is advised to follow an ultrasound and lymphatic drainage therapy after the first five days.


Surgical Time: 30 to 45 minutes.

Anesthesia: Local.

Hospitalization: Ambulatory.

Recovery: 2 days.

Duration of Results: Permanent.

Book an Appointment at Tel. (502) 2268-1818